Securities Law

Investors understand that investing in stock and bond markets entails a risk. So long as public companies make complete, accurate and timely disclosure of the important facts affecting their business, it is a risk that investors are willing to accept.

However, when companies misrepresent the facts, when they say one thing and do another or when they paint a rosy picture and omit to disclose facts that when finally revealed cause the stock price to plummet – then investors are being deceived into taking on risk that they were not even aware of.

If your savings and future financial plans are put in jeopardy due to the misrepresentations, omissions, or outright fraudulent acts of a company, KND’s lawyers will work tirelessly to try and recover the lost value of your investment.

We litigate securities class actions, as well as individual actions on behalf of large shareholders and accredited investors who wish to opt-out of certified class actions and bring their own individual lawsuits against the company. We also advance individual securities actions on behalf of large shareholders who have suffered at least CDN $5 million in losses.

Active Class Actions

Exro Technologies Inc.

Court of King's Bench of Alberta

November 27, 2024

Taiga Motors Corporation

Superior Court of Quebec

November 22, 2024

SSR Mining Canadian Shareholder Class Action

Supreme Court of British Columbia

April 23, 2024

23andMe Canadian Data Breach Class Action

Supreme Court of British Columbia

October 20, 2023

How to Reach Us

If you have a pressing legal issue, our lawyers can help:

Suite 401, Yonge Eglinton Centre2300 Yonge StreetToronto, OntarioCanada M4P 1E4