Employment Law

There are various laws and regulations which require employers to provide their employees with certain wages or benefits, and to ensure employers do not attempt to take advantage of their workforce. For example, a company may not misclassify those who are really employees as contractors to avoid paying them benefits to which they are entitled, nor can a company require employees to regularly do overtime without compensating them for their extra work. Occasionally however, companies will not abide by their employment obligations, and due to the vast power imbalance that exists between an employee and their employer, it can often be very difficult for a single employee to enforce their rights and make the company pay them what they are owed.

Class actions can be an extremely powerful tool for leveling the playing-field between employers and employees and for providing access to justice for harmed workers. Class actions permit individual employees to band together to overcome the economic and social barriers that disadvantage individual employees who have been systematically denied proper pay and/or benefits. KND’s lawyers have experience and a track record of success in litigating employment class actions against large corporations and forcing them to pay their employees what they are owed.

Active Class Actions

Exro Technologies Inc.

Court of King's Bench of Alberta

November 27, 2024

Taiga Motors Corporation

Superior Court of Quebec

November 22, 2024

SSR Mining Canadian Shareholder Class Action

Supreme Court of British Columbia

April 23, 2024

23andMe Canadian Data Breach Class Action

Supreme Court of British Columbia

October 20, 2023

How to Reach Us

If you have a pressing legal issue, our lawyers can help:

Suite 401, Yonge Eglinton Centre2300 Yonge StreetToronto, OntarioCanada M4P 1E4